Éducation à l’image animée - Photo : S. Matter/CITIA

22nd Sep 2019

CITIA is back to school with the pupils

The new school term has started and CITIA has launched its 2019 animated moving image education framework to new classes.

CITIA has developed special educational material in its mission to teach primary and middle school pupils an understanding of the techniques used to produce animated moving images.

The courses are adapted to each age group and were launched at the start of the school term.

Parcours animés
These classes were started from a cultural initiative by Annecy Town Council called Parcours culturels and focused on primary schools in the area. CITIA was entrusted with the operational set-up of the Parcours animés. In keeping with the expansion of the new Grand Annecy commune, two schools in Seynod will now be taking part.
Pupils from 9 primary schools from Cep and Muraillons will produce a digital animated film on a subject of their choice during their school year.

Images de collégiens
During the course of the school year, and as part of the Chemins de la culture, with the support from the Haute-Savoie Departmental Council, 8 classes of middle school pupils will participate in the Images de collégiens.
There are two options available: an initiation in stop motion animation, or a directing course to deepen their knowledge, with a shared end of producing a digital animated film on a chosen subject.

And, at the end of the year, all the works will be shown at a special dedicated screening, so that they can see their films on a big screen!