Annecy Festival

24th Mar 2022

  2022 Call for Volunteers 

Registrations to join the team of volunteers for this year’s edition of the Annecy Festival and the Mifa are now open!

Every year, several hundred volunteers get together to assist the Annecy Festival and the Mifa’s organisation. Would you like to join the team for this year’s edition held on 13th to 18th June 2022?

The dynamism, motivation and expertise of our volunteers are indispensable leading up to and during the event. Whether you are an animation enthusiast or movie buff, interested in the image and creative industries or events, or would simply like to be involved in a human adventure, we have something for everyone.

Welcoming the public, people flow management, VR demonstrations, shop sales, etc. We offer missions that best suit you, with a schedule established according to your availability.

Don’t wait, make the most of this unique opportunity to enjoy a week full of buzz and excitement alongside the festivalgoers, whilst playing an essential role at the heart of the organisation.

To join the team, register directly online, by specifying your wishes and availability! If you have any questions please contact us directly.