Digital x Outdoor

26th Jul 2016

  Discover Digital X Outdoor

Don’t miss the inaugural Digital X Outdoor event on September 30 in Annecy, and explore business avenues within the digital economy.

Outdoor Sports Valley, Imaginove and CITIA are proud to invite you on September 30th, 2016 to the first edition of Digital x Outdoor (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.).

What digitally-linked opportunities exist for your brand? How can you best predict the stakes of tomorrow? For a full day, speakers will not only instigate plenary conferences and hands-on workshops but will strive to answer these questions and allow you to grasp the different business opportunities linked to digital matters within your company and in the outdoors industry.

Throughout the course of the day, a dense and informative program will channel you toward concrete and adapted solutions to your company’s issues.

Peruse the day’s detailed program from 16th August, on the Digital x Outdoor site! 

Meanwhile, view the event’s new teaser!