European Animation Awards

6th Jul 2016

European Animation Awards 

The very first general meeting of the European Animation Awards association was held in Annecy during this year’s Mifa.

The members of the European Animation Awards group convened on June 14, 2016 during the International Animation Film Market (Mifa). This first general meeting took place with the following members attending: Peter Lord, President; Didier Brunner, Vice-President; Ton Crone, Treasurer; Jean-Paul Commin, Secretary General; Olivier Catherin and Denis Walgenwitz, administrators; and Jamie K. Bolio, representative for the U.S.A.

This association, inspired by the American Annie Awards, aims to reward and extol the diversity, expertise and excellence of European professionals and productions. The various prize categories are still being determined, with the first awards ceremony to take place in 2017.

Several important decisions were established during this first general meeting:

  • Two members of honor were nominated, central figures of the animation industry: Patrick Eveno, director of CITIA, and Marc Vandeweyer, director of Cartoon Media.
  • The name chosen for the awards to be conveyed is "Emile", in homage to both Emile Reynaud and Emile Cohl.
  • Another prize entitled "Lotte", in tribute to Lotte Reiniger, will be awarded for honoring those whose careers have helped change animation.

"They did not know it was impossible, so they did it." This quote by Mark Twain has now become the motto of the European Animation Awards.

Next meet-up in 2017, to unveil the names of the first winners!

See the press release.